加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学的Julian Cheng教授应信息网络体系构建与融合学科创新引智基地温向明教授邀请,将于2018年7月13日来北邮作学术报告。欢迎有兴趣的师生踊跃参与。
题目:Developing New Asymptotic Techniques for Correlated Fading Channels
主讲人:Julian Cheng教授
摘要:Asymptotic analysis is widely used to analyze the performance of wireless digital communication systems in large signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region, especially when the system model is too complex and is analytically intractable. This talk will first provide a tutorial review of the classical asymptotic technique. Then we will introduce two recently developed new asymptotic techniques. The first technique can be used to obtain asymptotically tight upper and lower bounds for the outage and error rate performance of digital communication systems for a large class of arbitrarily correlated fading channels. We will show that these upper and lower bounds will asymptotically converge to the classical asymptotic performance at high SNR. However, the aforementioned asymptotic techniques all fail to work with the lognormal fading channels, which find important applications in both radio frequency and optical wireless communications. Therefore, we develop a second asymptotic technique to analyze the outage performance of multi-channel lognormal fading and obtain simple, highly accurate closed-form approximationfor the longstanding problem of the sum of lognormal random variables.The obtained analytical can also be used to reveal insights into this challenging fading channel model. For example, we will show and explain why negatively correlated lognormal fading channels can outperform the independent fading channels.
Julian Cheng received his PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. He is currently a Full Professor in the School of Engineering, Faculty of Applied Science, at The University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus in Kelowna, BC, Canada. His current research interests include wireless communication theory, wireless networks, optical wireless communications, and quantum communications. Dr. Cheng has served as a member of technical program committee for many IEEE conferences and workshops. He co-chaired the 12th Canadian Workshop on Information Theory (CWIT 2011) in Kelowna, Canada. In 2012, he chaired the 2012 Wireless Communications in Banff, Canada. Dr. Cheng also chaired the sixth IEEE Optical Wireless Communications Symposium at the 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference. He was a past Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Communications Letters, and IEEE Access, and was a past Guest Editor for a special issue of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications on optical wirelesscommunications. He now volunteers as an Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications. Currently, he also serves as the President of the Canadian Society of Information Theory.