主讲人介绍:Prof. Mateo Burgos Garcia received the Telecommunications Engineer and Ph. D. degrees from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain, in 1988 and 1994, respectively. From 1986 up to date, he has been working with the Microwaves and Radar Research Group at the UPM, where he is currently Full Professor. He has developed his research in the areas of the analysis, simulation, design and evaluation of communications, radio-localization and radar systems, including system architecture, subsystem design and measurement, and signal processing development. He has participated in more than 80 research projects and contracts, financed by national and international institutions and companies. He has authored more than 100 publications in scientific journals, symposium proceedings and seminars. He has been during four years sub-director of the Signals, Systems and Radio communications Department of the UPM, as well as vice-Chairman of IEEE Spanish Chapter of MTT/AP societies. He has been also the chairman of the European Radar Conference EuRAD 2018. At this moment he is chair of the Defense and Security panel of the UPM, as well as member of the experts panel for the anti-drone concept development of Defense Ministry of Spain.
内容摘要:The special properties of microwaves propagation make the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) a unique sensor for remote sensing applications. Modern systems specifications demand for higher image resolutions, and greater flexibility in looking to whatever direction, decided in real time during the flight. The first requirement leads to strong demands to the subsystems in charge of removing the errors produced by the non-ideal motion of the airplane. The second requirement leads to the capability of working under high squint angles, where the problem of range migration are very strong, and the problem of image formation cannot subdivided into many 1-D problems, and must be approached as a real 2-D one. Frequency-domain approaches, like RMA, have proven to be the most powerful approach for this situation. The combination of the two requirements in the same system leads to the design of powerful autofocus algorithms with high squint capability. In this talk, the full processing chain of a state of the art airborne SAR is presented. The signal is analyzed from its acquisition up to the image formation, and the relationships between different processing stages are also considered with a comprehensive perspective.